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Thanks to all who participated in the IBU Open - 26th Annual.

There were 417 entries judged and 380 registered participants, judges, and stewards.

Best of Show Winners

Best of Show – Beer

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stJonathan RollinsA New Hopocalypse28A: Brett BeerCap and Hare Homebrew Club

Best of Show – Mead/Cider

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stMatthew MeadHuber's Starlight Cider 2024C1A: New World CiderPrimeTime Brewers

Best Brewer (111 Participating Brewers)

1stTyler Miller12010.01 Arizona Society of Homebrewers
Mike & Stephanie Butler12010.01 Kansas City Bier Meisters
Jamye & Cody Naramore12010.01 Kansas City Bier Meisters

Scores and tie-breakers have been applied in accordance with the scoring methodology. Numbers reflected are rounded to the hundredth place. Hover over or tap the question mark icon () for the actual calculated value.

Best Club (40 Participating Clubs)

1stIowa Brewers Union12661078.12
2ndKansas City Bier Meisters4820145.04
3rdUrban Knaves of Grain1160019.01

Scores and tie-breakers have been applied in accordance with the scoring methodology. Numbers reflected are rounded to the hundredth place. Hover over or tap the question mark icon () for the actual calculated value.

Winning Entries

Table 1: Table 1: Pale American Beer (19 entries)

1stLuke Osborne MHPArkansas Light1A: American Light LagerCentral Arkansas Fermenters
2ndShawn Montgomery MHPAmerican Standard1B: American LagerIowa Brewers Union
3rdNicholas Merfeld MHPHawk Tua Cream1C: Cream AleIowa Brewers Union
HMDeborah And Marc Prichard MHPBeercicle1C: Cream AleKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 2: Table 2: Pale European Beer (14 entries)

1stGerad Miller MHPHow Do You Spell Koelsh?5B: KölschDayton Regional Amateur Fermentation Technologists
2ndMike Bechina MHPCerveza Suave2A: International Pale Lager Kansas City Bier Meisters
3rdMetts PotterBasically Salty Malty Pils5C: German Helles ExportbierBloatarian Brewing League

Table 3: Table 3: Pale Lager (18 entries)

1stRandy Daniels KC McKinney MHPPre-Prohibition Lager27A6: Pre-Prohibition LagerIowa Brewers Union
2ndJay Brantley MHPSkibidi Rizz3B: Czech Premium Pale LagerPC Mashers
3rdJeremy Rott MHPCrisp3B: Czech Premium Pale LagerJohnson County Brewing Society

Table 4: Table 4: Pale Malty European Beer (13 entries)

1stHolland AndrewBaby Got Bock4C: Helles Bock
2ndAustin JonesFactory Helles4A: Munich HellesIowa Brewers Union
3rdMike Bechina MHPWhat The Helles?!4A: Munich HellesKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 5: Table 5: Amber European Beer (17 entries)

1stAlex & Patrick Williams MHPLandsknecht7B: AltbierKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndChad Medford MHPAlternate Route7B: AltbierRed Earth Brewers
3rdAlex Boyer MHPPolotmavy3C: Czech Amber LagerJohnson County Brewing Society

Table 6: Table 6: Dark European Lager (20 entries)

1stMetts PotterStrike Two8A: Munich DunkelBloatarian Brewing League
2ndJamye & Cody NaramoreNo Future In The Road We're Taking8B: SchwarzbierKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdBrian Stephens MHPBlack Rabbit Face Scars3D: Czech Dark LagerKeepers of Craft
HMWesley Kulcak MHPShepherd's South Texas Bock2C: International Dark LagerBay Area Mashtronauts

Table 7: Table 7: Wheat Beer (8 entries)

1stJeff MoyerMünchner Weisse10A: WeissbierIowa Brewers Union
2ndRandy Daily MHPOberon Clone1D: American Wheat BeerBay Area Mashtronauts
3rdKevin WojdakKilted Hop 6301D: American Wheat BeerUrban Knaves of Grain

Table 8: Table 8: British Pale Ale (14 entries)

1stTyler HulsebusCybernetic Bitter11C: Strong Bitter
2ndTyler Miller'Cause I'm A Mastermind11B: Best BitterArizona Society of Homebrewers
3rdMichael Rensing MHPIsland In The Sun12C: English IPACider, Homebrew, And Mead Production Specialists (CHAMPS)

Table 9: Table 9: Scottish & Irish Ale (10 entries)

1stJoshua CorwinRed15A: Irish Red AleIowa Brewers Union
2ndTyler MillerStumble On Home To My Cats14B: Scottish HeavyArizona Society of Homebrewers
3rdJonathan Marut MHPIrish Red15A: Irish Red AleCap and Hare Homebrew Club

Table 10: Table 10: American Pale Ale (11 entries)

1stTaylor Norland MHPHere For A Good Ride, Not A Long Ride18B: American Pale AleIowa Brewers Union
2ndTony E Schubert
Co-Brewer: Julian Lott
Run The Jules18B: American Pale AleIowa Brewers Union
3rdJoseph McDonaldEl Mismo18B: American Pale AleJohnson County Brewing Society

Table 11: Table 11: Amber & Brown American Ale (16 entries)

1stDavid Towles MHPKentucky Common27A2: Kentucky CommonHigh Plains Drafters [TX]
2ndChad Medford MHPKentucky Common27A2: Kentucky CommonRed Earth Brewers
3rdJoe Skiles MHPThe Colonel's Side Hustle27A2: Kentucky CommonUrban Knaves of Grain

Table 12: Table 12: Brown British Beer (8 entries)

1stJamye & Cody NaramoreDriving Around In Circles13A: Dark MildKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndJoshua Andrus MHPLeeds Me On13B: British Brown AleHomebrewers Local 402
3rdRoy VentulloBrexit Ale13A: Dark MildCRAZE

Table 13: Table 13: Irish & British Stout (15 entries)

1stSimon Clark MHPBrilliant Beyond Brilliant Idea16C: Tropical StoutKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndMike & Stephanie Butler MHPI Guess Its True-I Am A Loser15B: Irish StoutKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdJeff MoyerMilk Stout16A: Sweet StoutIowa Brewers Union

Table 14: Table 14: American Porter & Stout (9 entries)

1stJeremy Rott MHPStout Happens20B: American StoutJohnson County Brewing Society
2ndDavid ScheilOld Surveyor's Porter27A7: Pre-Prohibition PorterCedar River Association Of Zymurgy Enthusiasts (CRAZE)
3rdMichael SawyerBellhop Porter20A: American PorterZZHops Homebrewing Club

Table 15: Table 15: Specialty IPA (10 entries)

1stTony E SchubertAmericans In Belgium21B1: Belgian IPA Iowa Brewers Union
2ndKevin Bencz MHP
Co-Brewer: Karie Bencz
Venus21B4: Red IPA
3rdVictor SvecsBelgian IPA21B1: Belgian IPA Iowa Brewers Union

Table 16: Table 16: Hazy IPA (21C) (15 entries)

1stRoss Stuart MHPHazy IPA21C: Hazy IPAArizona Society of Homebrewers
2ndScott Patrick MHPI Can't Hear You Over The Sunlight21C: Hazy IPAMountain Ale and Lager Tasters (MALT)
3rdChristopher BarrierBeer 921C: Hazy IPAZZHops Homebrewing Club

Table 17: Table 17: Strong British & American Ale (13 entries)

1stDaniel Kukuk MHPNessie17C: Wee HeavyMotor City Mashers
2ndTyler HulsebusGears & Grain Barleywine22C: American Barleywine
3rdMetts PotterI See London17D: English Barley WineBloatarian Brewing League

Table 18: Table 18: Strong European Lager (13 entries)

1stRobert Lyst MHPBig Chill9B: EisbockIowa Brewers Union
2ndAaron Reif2024 Bock6C: Dunkels BockIowa Brewers Union
3rdMichael Rensing MHPBrother Seamus6C: Dunkels BockCider, Homebrew, And Mead Production Specialists (CHAMPS)

Table 19: Table 19: Imperial Porter & Stout (9 entries)

1stAaron Reif2024 Polk County Stout20C: Imperial StoutIowa Brewers Union
2ndEric MartinBaltic9C: Baltic PorterKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdJeremy Rott MHPLighting The Darkness20C: Imperial StoutJohnson County Brewing Society

Table 20: Table 20: Belgian Ale (11 entries)

1stDirk Montgomery MHPVan Overveld24A: WitbierRed Earth Brewers
2ndPhillip Abbott MHPSingles Trapp26A: Belgian SingleJohnson County Brewing Society
3rdMatthew Mead MHPBlonde Ale25A: Belgian Blond AlePrimeTime Brewers
4thTaylor Norland MHPBlonde25A: Belgian Blond AleIowa Brewers Union

Table 21: Table 21: Strong Belgian Ale (15 entries)

1stPaul BruskiAnno Zythum26D: Belgian Dark Strong AleIowa Brewers Union
2ndVictor SvecsTripel26C: Belgian TripelIowa Brewers Union
3rdDaniel Jent MHPMonkin' Around26B: Belgian DubbelZymurgists of the Ozarks

Table 22: Table 22: European Sour Ale (10 entries)

1stNicholas Merfeld MHPWheat What?23G: GoseIowa Brewers Union
2ndRodolfo Valladares MHPAudacious And Delicious23E: GueuzeKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdTony E SchubertPre-Gueuze23D: LambicIowa Brewers Union

Table 23: Table 23: Specialty Beer (12 entries)

1stJohn Luhmann MHPLemon Meringue Pie Sour29C: Specialty Fruit Beer Iowa Brewers Union
2ndJamye & Cody NaramoreCatch You On The Flip FlopLSX4: Catharina Sour Kansas City Bier Meisters
3rdMica ZaragozaCHIberian Garage Lager27A: Historical Beer Urban Knaves of Grain

Table 24: Table 24: Wood Aged & Smoke-Flavored Beer (14 entries)

1stSteve Ristau MHPStau-Haus Smoked Sour27A3: LichtenhainerAle Riders Homebrew Club
2ndMike & Stephanie Butler MHPShower Beer33B: Specialty Wood-Aged Beer Kansas City Bier Meisters
3rdJoe Skiles MHPOak Aged Calculating Infinity33A: Wood-Aged Beer Urban Knaves of Grain

Table 25: Table 25: American Wild Ale (8 entries)

1stJonathan Rollins MHPA New Hopocalypse28A: Brett Beer Cap and Hare Homebrew Club
2ndKevin Olson MHPPrincess Peach's Tartistry28C: Wild Specialty Beer ZZHops Homebrewing Club
3rdStuart HemesathMay The River Run Red28C: Wild Specialty Beer Iowa Brewers Union

Table 26: Table 26: Traditional & Fruit Mead (12 entries)

1stShawn Montgomery MHPThere's Only One Man That Dares Give Me The Raspberry!M2C: Berry Mead Iowa Brewers Union
2ndJohn TeBockhorstPlease Dont Berry MeadM2C: Berry Mead THIRSTY
3rdGarrett Freeman MHPPrincess Tree Traditional MeadM1C: Sweet MeadRed Earth Brewers

Table 27: Table 27: Spice & Specialty Mead (11 entries)

1stDan Acheson MHPInspired By Apple CrispM4C: Experimental Mead Urban Knaves of Grain
2ndGarrett Freeman MHPCitrus Witbier BraggotM4A: BraggotRed Earth Brewers
3rdGarrett Freeman MHPI Swear It's Not ApplesauceM3A: Fruit and Spice Mead Red Earth Brewers

Table 28: Table 28: Standard Cider & Perry (13 entries)

1stMatthew Mead MHPHuber's Starlight Cider 2024C1A: New World CiderPrimeTime Brewers
2ndGeorge Turner5 Degrees From FraunchyC1C: French CiderKuhnhenn Guild of Brewers (KGB)
3rdJoe Skiles MHPWorst Kept Secret CiderC1A: New World CiderUrban Knaves of Grain

Table 29: Table 29: Cider with Other Fruit or Spices and Herbs (8 entries)

1stJohn TeBockhorstGinger PerryC2E: Cider with Herbs/Spices THIRSTY
2ndScott Estlund MHPJa Makin' Me CrazyC2E: Cider with Herbs/Spices The Brü Club
3rdChristopher BarrierPeach CiderC2B: Cider with Other Fruit ZZHops Homebrewing Club

Table 30: Table 30: Specialty Cider and Perry & Applewine (7 entries)

1stKevin Olson MHPAmburana By MorningC2F: Specialty Cider/Perry ZZHops Homebrewing Club
2ndJonathan Rollins MHPFerAppleC2F: Specialty Cider/Perry Cap and Hare Homebrew Club
3rdKevin WojdakApfel-Whammy 2024C2C: ApplewineUrban Knaves of Grain

Table 31: Table 31: American Blonde Ale (8 entries)

1stJohn Harlan MHPHarvest Halo18A: Blonde Ale
2ndAlex & Patrick Williams MHPRest On Your Lorals18A: Blonde AleKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdCraig Peters
Co-Brewer: Marv Peters
Hootie's Hoppin Blonde Ale18A: Blonde Ale

Table 32: Table 32: New Zealand Pils (9 entries)

1stTaylor Norland MHPHoneymoon PhaseLSX5: New Zealand PilsnerIowa Brewers Union
2ndSteve PowellTropical PilsLSX5: New Zealand PilsnerBig Sioux Brewing Society
3rdDaniel Kukuk MHPCosmic CorsairLSX5: New Zealand PilsnerMotor City Mashers

Table 33: Table 33: Spiced Beer (11 entries)

1stPaul Pitre MHPChocolate Vanilla Hunter's Stout30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Redstick Brewmasters
2ndMark NiemczewskiDiablo's Revenge30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Urban Knaves of Grain
3rdSimon Clark MHPAgador Spartacus30C: Winter Seasonal Beer Kansas City Bier Meisters

Table 34: Table 34: American IPA (8 entries)

1stMike & Stephanie Butler MHPWalk Away21A: American IPAKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndRon Barnes MHP
Co-Brewer: Jason Elder
Surf Van21A: American IPAJohnson County Brewing Society
3rdRoss Stuart MHPAmerican IPA21A: American IPAArizona Society of Homebrewers

Table 35: Table 35: Saison (8 entries)

1stTyler Miller'Tis The Damn Saison25B: Saison Arizona Society of Homebrewers
2ndStuart HemesathThey're Eating Our Dogs25B: Saison Iowa Brewers Union
3rdRandy Daniels KC McKinney MHPTank 158725B: Saison Iowa Brewers Union